I: I
Got the News!
all began on October 2, 2001 at about 9:30 p.m.
hunters and I had just rode into camp from a long day in the saddle,
and my eyes were somewhat bugged out from all of the glassing
we had done. It had been nothing like the day before when we had
3 different bulls breathing down our necks and firing back with
their aggressive bugles without hesitation at my calls. We outsmarted
one fine bull by nightfall, but today they had outsmarted us.
I always say that a bad day of hunting is better than a good day
at work so our heads were not hung low. Rather we were excitedly
making plans for where we were going to head tomorrow, when I
got the news.
walked up to me as I was unsaddling the horses and proceeded in
a rather calm voice to explain that right at dusk there had been
a plane fly over camp 4 times. On the 4th pass he had dropped
what appeared to be a flashlight. Of course upon impact the flashlight
could not be found because the bulb had exploded. But with much
worry Terry had grabbed his cell phone and ran up on the highest
rock next to camp and called home. There are a couple of things
that worry outfitters the most. The first being a grizzly bear,
and the second being flashlights dropped out of airplanes right
over your camp. The good news was someone answered the phone and
it just happened to be Jordan who is Terry's teenage boy. Now
Jordan was way more interested in how hunting was since he envy's
his father who spends 75% of his time in the mountains while Jordan
is in school. Finally, Terry was able to cut to the chase with
the question, "Is anything wrong at home?"
response was, "Well, I think I overheard Mom talking with
someone about Jamie's wife going into labor" and the phone
went dead. Without another phone in camp he had waited until I
arrived about an hour later to give me the news and ask if I had
brought my phone to camp. Without much hesitation I ran up to
the tent, grabbed my phone and hurried to the top of the calling
rock. Without a very strong signal it took several times for a
strong enough signal to get the call out, but on my 8th try at
the 4th number I was able to reach my good friend Casey.
was a terrible amount of static, and when I said who it was he
hollered back, "If we get disconnected, just come out of
the mountains tonight and straight to my house and I will wait
up for you and tell you about everything."
"What was that?" I responded in disbelief.
down now! I will see you at my house."
got the news. It wasn't real clear to me what had happened yet,
but I knew right then that it was going to be a long night and
I was worried sick about what had happened. You see my wife was
only 25 weeks along and not due until January 16th, 2002, and
this was October 2, 2001. I was 4 ½ hours from the trailhead
and that is in the daylight.
I ran down the hill and told Terry that I wasn't sure what had
happened, but that I needed to get off the mountain. There was
one other dilemma, as if I didn't have enough to worry about,
and that was the elk that we had harvested the day before. I had
just caped it and quartered it and left it lying in the shade
of a great big rock and a big tree. We had covered it with some
pine bows and had planned to go pick it up tomorrow.
I have named certain places that I have hunted, "Bugger Basin",
"Jamie's Jungle" or just "The Hole". Well,
you see, we had gotten this elk in "The Big Park at the edge
of Bugger Basin in the bottom of The Hole surrounded by Jamie's
Jungle." The only thing that I could say was that I would
try to get back in a couple of days to get my hunter's elk out
because it was nearly impossible to tell someone how to make it
back to this exact spot. This being the least of my worries, although
by the look of my hunter's face I could tell it was a big concern
of his, I headed out the door.
II: The Night
Walk Out
first thought as I stepped out the tent was to catch my horse
and get off the mountain as fast as possible. Palomino Man (the
name of my horse) had a less than desirable look on his face when
I untied the halter rope and headed for the tack tent.
bet you are wondering how I could see the expression on his face
in the dark. Moonlight! The brightest moon you have ever seen.
I don't know how many nights I have been out riding back to camp
after the sun has gone down, but I cannot recall a night as bright
as that one. As I continued to saddle up I just kept thinking
things over and finally concluded that I could walk out of there
faster than old Palomino Man could pack me. By the sound of his
last groan, he was not at all excited about a midnight ride, and
I on the other hand could probably dunk a basketball on an 11
foot basket with as much adrenaline as I had flowing. Case closed,
and old Palomino was off the hook. I threw the saddle back in
the tent and started down off the hill and into the meadow.
I advise every hunter I ever take to the hills to leave their
billfold at the bottom of the mountain and, yep, you guessed it,
I had to turn around and run back up to the tent to find mine.
I had no idea of what was in store at the end of the night, but
a good credit card could never hurt. Back down the hill and across
the creek I went.
first hill out of camp is called "High, Wild, and Tired"
but I didn't miss a lick. By losing the weight of my backpack
I was actually doing pretty good. The hardest part about walking
out in the moonlight is all of the shadows that are cast on the
ground which hinders a persons depth perception. Horses have excellent
eyesight and rarely stumble in the dark, but not the case for
me. With every misplaced foot I soon lost track of how many bags
of carrots I was going to have to eat to get a job in next years
dude string.
I have always enjoyed those nice quiet evening rides into camp
with the stars so bright
the coyotes yipping in the background of complete silence. This
night was a little different, and the sound of my breath echoing
off of the brim of my hat was completely consuming the night.
Thinking of the worst, I kept on marching.
hour had lapsed as I passed Neal Lake and headed for Trapper.
Thump! Crash! What was that? as I picked my head
up from looking at the trail. Elk going everywhere! Wow, where
are the hunters when you need one? "Onward!" I told
myself, although the instinct of trying to get them to stop in
the clearing with the sound of a bugle was hard to resist.
up the trail I ran into another herd and actually was within about
60 yards of a cow before she realized she had company. Boy, was
she surprised when I whistled at her! I think if elk wore pants,
she would have left hers right there as she pealed up the hill
making tracks for cover.
must have woke up some of the other 4-legged critters in the country,
because as
rounded the next corner heading for Little Trapper there was a
big black spot standing in the trail. Well, 'Big' may be a bit
of an exaggeration, but in the night any bear looks large to me.
All of the stories that you hear of ambulance rides and EMT's
were going through my mind about then, but the only thing I could
not figure out was how they were going to get that ambulance those
8 miles up the horse trail. Luckily, old Blacky decided to spare
me and stumbled up off the trail allowing me free sailing on down
to Long Park.
Another bunch of elk? "What a night!" I thought, as
I had seen more elk in the last hour than in the previous 2 days
of hunting. Now it was about time to break out the Pepsi that
I had thrown in my pocket before I had headed out of the tent.
My adrenaline was tapering out and I needed something to get me
the rest of the way. A little sugar and caffeine couldn't possibly
all of the excitement of elk crashing through the trees and bears
stumbling up the trail you could say that I was just a little
on the EDGE! Add a little caffeine, and then a RING!
in the world is that?"
I just about left my pants sitting back there. After another RING,
and I realized what it was. I had left my cell phone turned on
and what a pleasant surprise. It
was Casey with a report from my wife. All was well! She was flown
from the Jackson hospital to Salt Lake City with pre-term labor,
but things were under control. The contractions had slowed down
and thankfully the baby was doing well. The good Lord had been
answering some prayers tonight, and it was a huge relief to know
everyone was doing fine.
made arrangements to have Casey meet me at the trailhead with
my car so we could leave the trucks and trailers for the rest
of the camp. By about 2:30 a.m. I was back to the house having
visited with my wife on the phone and planning an early morning
departure with her dad for Salt Lake City, Utah. It did not sound
as if I would be back to camp for awhile, so I sat down at the
dining room table and began to write down the News in a letter
to Terry. Attached to the letter was a Map showing how to get
to the elk, "at the edge of The Park", "in the
bottom of The Hole", "surrounded by Jamie's Jungle".
I just hoped that it would be found. After a couple of hours of
shut eye the alarm rang reminding me of my new adventure, Salt
Lake City. That whole story may some day be found at,
but for now I would just as soon spend my time off the paved road.
next time!
Our baby girl is not yet born, but she is keeping my wife on bed
rest. My friend Tom picked up my note and map and headed up to
camp to help Terry. They did find the elk two days later in excellent
to everyone who helped us through this little episode and thank
you for all your prayers.