am not sure you could really call this a winter this year,
but I guess since we don't have green grass and there is some
snow on the ground, we will fall into our usual winter routine.
There is not too much that goes on in the real estate business
in general through the holiday season and during the dreary
winter months, but this year has proven to be out of the ordinary.
I suppose the January thaw has caused some folks to think
that it is March already or that they thought the rain we
received this past month were April showers. But, none the
less, we have seen an extreme amount of activity in at the
office this winter and have kept very busy. I have had the
opportunity to do a little off the paved road entertainment
and feel very fortunate to live where these moments are only
in my backyard so enjoy.
morning since the middle of January we have been feeding the
cows and the mules. This is extremely odd for this country
since we are usually feeding by the middle of December. I
started out with just feeding with a four wheeler but now
have finally went to feeding with the team of mules now that
we have some snow and I very much enjoy the peacefulness of
feeding in this fashion. Clancy has been a big help this year
as he is getting to the age of benefit rather than hindrance.
This benefit does have a
that we pay and that price is usually TIME. Feeding usually
takes twice as long when he is around, but I wouldn't trade
this time with my son for anything. To see him around the
animals and share this time with him is priceless but sometimes
it is not painless. In fact, a couple of days ago, we had
our first incidence of why we should not put our lips up to
cold metal. While I was off shutting a gate he had been moving
some bales around trying to make a fort on the sleigh for
him and Windy (the dog). I guess the hay hook came loose and
you guessed it, it stuck to his lip. When I made it to the
rescue he had started to scream and yep, you guessed it, now
it was stuck to his tongue. We were ¾ of a mile from
any water and so I tried to use my T-shirt to warm it up but
he finally panicked when he saw some blood and pulled his
head away leaving a fair amount of his lip and tongue stuck
to the hay hook. It took a few minutes to get things back
under control and the bleeding to stop but we managed with
a little snow and the help of Windy. Although this was a traumatic
experience that most of us can relate to, we are both very
happy that his lip is healing and that his mother still allows
the two of us to go out to the ranch together.
enjoyable event that we share in the Dead of winter is snowmobiling.
Just this past week we were able to take a trip up to the
"powder bowl". What a great time. There were 9 guys
and plenty of POWDER. We traveled from the Aspen
Ridge property which is just minutes from the forest boundary
and within a few miles we were climbing mountains and getting
stuck. Sandy Sletten, who is a professional hill climber,
showed us what he does for a living with some impressive climbs
along with a great attempt at the mountain they call "fly
paper". He ended the climb within 5 feet of the top and
it was only his good sense that kept him from trying to turn
out of the corneas at the top of the slope. When he did reach
the top he just buried the sled in the drift rather than trying
to turn back down or he would have rolled his sled for sure
since it is so steep. A few of us worked our way up the back
side of the mountain and threw a rope down and hooked it to
his ski so we could pull him on over the top. Mike Irwin showed
us all how to bury a sled before the day was over and it took
nearly all of us to get him back out of his mess. In fact,
if we would not have had all the help there is a good chance
we would still be up there trying or else have left the sled
until spring. Check out the pictures.
these winter activities are great, but I can't help but mention
the dog sled races that take place every winter around the
area. Our friends, the Corwin's, had their first taste of
dog sledding when their daughter, Shanna, was selected to
be a Junior Musher in this year's race up at Teton Village.
What an experience for an 11 year old girl. It was rather
impressive to see all of these young kids riding in their
mile race with dogs that they had only been around for a few
hours. Shanna did great, and I am sure it will be a memory
that will last a lifetime.
to all of you who continue to check out the site. I am putting
together our story of this past summer's trip to the top of
Fremont, so please keep checking back. Like always enjoy the
site and I hope to meet you all someday "off the paved

feel free to e-mail me or give me a call if you or anyone
you know might be interested in opportunities here in Pinedale
or just wanting to spend some time in the area. I am happy
to make myself available to show you around our little town
and probably even a little bit of off the paved road.
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about Pinedale and area real estate?
Aspen Ridge
Recreational Properties
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