the less I was to meet Hank at 6:00 a.m. with my daypack, fishing
pole and enough food for the two of us. Hank was to bring the survival
kit, canteens, and fishing lures. With everything loaded we stopped
for a quick "breakfast of champions" at the local Phillips
66 and were on our way. As we arrived at the parking lot at Elkhart
rain was pouring down. Whose idea was this anyway? Our preparedness
and being young and dumb seemed to overshadow good common sense,
so we jumped out of the truck and headed up the trail.
several miles into our journey the downpour eventually turned into
a steady drizzle and things seemed to be looking a little better.
The trail was definitely harder to travel on and expended more energy
than normal due to the muddy conditions. Photographer's Point was
our first stop to rest and we found very little in the way of protection
from the rain and even less to photograph so it did not take us
long to move on. Eklund Lake was just around the corner and as we
passed it by the only thing on our minds was to get off of the top
of this mountain and into the canyon below. So much for fishing.
It wasn't long
we were dropping elevation and my ears began to pop. Now this was
not your normal skipping through the toolies downhill, but rather
a slide on the seat of your pants and hope you don't go over the
top of a real sharp rock cause you can't stop downhill. I am not
sure there is anything harder on a set of knees than going down
steep terrain, and let me tell you mine have never been happier
than when we found the bottom of that mountain.
That is what we were and I can not explain to you the joy I felt
when a few hundred yards in front of me stood what looked like a
fully erected tent. We approached it with caution not knowing exactly
what to expect and shouted a friendly hello a few times hoping someone
would poke their head out and invite us in. Nothing of the sort
happened so we decided to make ourselves at home. Once we were inside
it was obvious that the tent had been abandoned earlier in the year
with definite signs of sun wrought. We were only minutes from the
shore of Gorge Lake so we decided to postpone fishing while we built
a fire and had some lunch. "You do have matches don't you Hank?"
"Oh sure." He replied confidently as we both began to
stir around in our daypacks. With my stomach growling I pulled out
a feast of "beanie weanies" and canned tomales. Hank had
not yet located his matches so I continued to cut a hole in the
bottom of the tent with my pocket knife and gather up anything that
I thought might burn. When I returned with a limited amount of dry
pine needle branches the look on my friend's face said it all. He
was still staring into the waterproof match container that appeared
to be completely empty. Now maybe Hank thought if he kept staring
at it, by some miracle, a match would appear. I am here to tell
you it did not work. I am also here to tell you that cold "beanie
weanies" are not too bad, but that to this day I can not bring
myself to look at a tomale, whether it is canned or uncanned, cooked
or uncooked.
why go fishing if you don't have a fire to cook them on and by the
way what time is it? I never carry a watch, I guess it is just against
my religion, plus I think I learned in Boy Scouts that it should
be a part of every survival kit. "Hank?" There are a couple
of things that make me very nervous in the world. One is driving
in Orlando, Florida during rush hour and second is not knowing how
much time I have before the sun goes down. Since we were both in
new terrain and had an unknown amount of time to get home, it
like the perfect time to get down on our knees. From our vantage
point it was some of the roughest country that I have ever seen
and we could sure use the help of the good Lord to get home without
a broken leg or skull.
and over, in and out, and every other way you can imagine devoured
the next several hours as we picked our way through the slickest,
biggest boulder slide that I have ever crossed. Just when we thought
it was getting better it would get worse, but finally we could see
a lake. SUICIDE! Over the past 50 years it has not changed much
and Finnes Mitchell was right on the money when he said the word
came to mind. Now it didn't seem far to get to the other side especially
if we had a boat. "Hank?" I am sure they told us that
a boat should be a part of every survival kit as well. No such luck,
so we trudged on. I have never wished for wings in my entire life
until that point and how handy they would have been. By now the
tomales had definitely worn off and the beanie weanies were fading
fast. Upper Long Lake was our next landmark and it was still a looong
ways away.
was beginning to get dark by the time we approached the recognizable
Long Lake and since Hank had been here several times before it was
a huge relief. Now Long Lake did not get its name out of sarcasm
and there is not only one but two of them, Upper and Lower. It was
well past dark as we approached the outlet of the second lake and
I could have sworn Hank never lost stride. Right into the creek
he went and by the time he had reached the middle of the channel
the water was just under his armpits. I was definitely thinking
that a bridge sounded pretty good about this time, but by the time
I thought to ask Hank if he had one in his survival kit he was too
far to
me. Now I realize that I was already completely wet but let me tell
you, there is a huge temperature difference between rain and glacier
fed lakes. I only thought I was cold because when I hit that water
my body temperature must have dropped another five degrees. I think
that the only thing that saved us both from hypothermia was the
2,000 vertical foot climb that lay ahead.
was totally exhausted by the time we reached the parking lot at
Elkhart Park with two very valuable lessons learned. First, never
count on your friend to bring the matches, or the survival kit for
that matter, and secondly, don't waste the energy in carrying around
a fishing pole and a bunch of lures if you are not going to use
Next Time